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Robert Bly 로버트 블라이: 문학적 특성, 시 러브포엠(Love Poem)

by 융글리쉬 2020. 5. 23.

Robert Bly

Robert Elwood Bly


Born - December 23, 1926~ (age 89)

Minnesota, USA

Nationality - American poet, author, activist

Genre - American poetry


Literary characteristics -

Much of Bly's writing focuses on what he saw as the particularly troubled situation in which many males find themselves today.

He understood this to be a result of, among other things, the decline of traditional fathering which left young boys unguided through the stages of life leading to maturity.


He claimed that in contrast with women who are better informed by their bodies (notably by the beginning and end of their menstrual cycle), men need to be actively guided out of boyhood and into manhood by their elders.

Pre-modern cultures had elaborate myths, often enacted as rites of passage, as well as "men's societies" where older men would teach young boys about these gender-specific issues. As modern fathers have become increasingly absent, this knowledge is no longer being passed down the generations resulting to what he referred as a Sibling Society.


The "Absence of the Father" is a recurrent theme in Bly's work and many of the phenomena of depression, juvenile delinquency and lack of leadership in business and politics are linked to it.


<Notable works>

Iron John: A Book About Men

Silence in the Snowy Fields

The Light Around the Body


Website - www.robertbly.com

Love Poem


When we are in love, we love the grass,

And the bans, and the lightpoles,

And the small main streets abandoned all night.



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